
Uncovering ourselves through ART

✨Making art involves several human aspects and capacities, it does not refer to the ability of what we call talent, but to the ability to create, materialize ideas, transmute emotions into something visible and tangible, use the alchemy of the thought world and shape them into the material world. This allows us to heal internally, share, imagine a future, release ancestral burdens, discover our weaknesses and strengths, remember who we really are and what our role is in this social, planetary and universal system.

By Andrés Morales Ayala

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Caminos de transformación

El arte volverá a ser parte de la ciencia, el ingenio y la tecnología.

La idea general de este proyecto es aportar un granito de arena para transformar la idea del arte en nuestra sociedad, entender el arte y vivirlo como algo más allá de una percepción lúdica, de entretenimiento o simplemente una cuestión estética y comenzar a percibir la expresión artística como parte fundamental del desarrollo de la conciencia humana vinculándolo con la ciencia, el ingenio y la tecnología.
Caminos de transformación

Create to heal, heal to create.

🌎✨🌈 Mother Gaia is illuminating with colors thanks to more and more people taking a pause in their busy lives and questioning: who are we? What are we doing here?