Quantum Leap
🌀🌌🌎☘️🧬 Thanks to a planetary and dimensional alignment of great proportions and the energetic calibration of the chakras of Mother Earth, the entire planet and its ecosystems began to increase their vibratory frequency, like the seed of life that begins to develop and divide to perceive other perspectives, other forms of understanding; we begin to expand physically, mentally and spiritually, we begin to reconnect with subtle frequencies to exchange data more directly, uniting light with matter once again. -Movements on earth, movements in consciousness!

Recalibration of the Tera genetic library
✨🧬🌎The meaning contained in this painting is based on the representation of the energetic change that the Earth planet is experiencing, and consequently, the frequency change of all living beings that comprise it. This frequency increase is given by an alignment of our solar system with other systems and stars in the universe that exist on more subtle planes of existence. In the painting, we can see the DNA structure with white points connecting the Earth to the geometry that represents subtle frequencies or stars that, through the emission of powerful photons and electromagnetic fields, update the Earth’s genetic library and allow for the exchange of information to continue on the universal evolutionary path. Water, as a fundamental element that contains all records from the origin of Tera to date, is seen generating expansive waves, just like the waves that emanate from our bodies, which are 75% water. An update of all systems, we will witness great changes in this quantum leap, in this shift of octave.
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Flower of seed, flower of Tera
🧬🌎 Crystals as a living and central component of Tera (a living being with caves and cities inside), pyramids and obelisks as technology that allows channeling and leveling electromagnetic fields and the planet’s energy. Kundalini energy represented by a line of colors corresponding to the chakras, emerging from Africa – Muladhara or root chakra, passing through Oceania – Swadhisthana or sacral chakra, Asia – Manipura or solar plexus chakra, Europe – Anahata or heart center, North America – Vishuddha or throat chakra, South America – Ajna or third eye chakra, and connecting to the Sahasrara or crown chakra in Antarctica. At the same time, the atom represented by the sacred geometry of the seed flower, symbolizing the blossoming and development of a natural system like Tera.
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Energy points
Let’s imagine: ✨ From neutrinos, quarks and the most tiny and unknown particles to the broader spheres and concepts of the multiverses, everything is connected through the energy of the mind from which the EVERYTHING emerged; THEN, in that order of ideas, we preserve the same components and therefore possess the same capabilities and functions as the millions of energetic expressions that are experiencing existence. So, how does the “connection” work if we are part of this? This is not the answer, but, we are imagining, or not? 💥CHACRAS⚡️: Energy points in the body of beings (including the earth🌎) that through their energetic interaction form matter and through the alignment of these chakras COHERENCE is activated, the basic principle of existence to be part of the whole! And at this point we inevitably enter the field of EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS (Energy Impulses) that intervene in the universal network! – It seems that being mentally, physically and emotionally aligned is more important than we can believe! / Painting on skin 🎨🖌️👩🏻
Do you like to imagine?
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Sound, light and form. 🔺🔻
⚡️🧠❤️🌲🌎✨🌌 We all have internal potential energy, electrons and protons that interact with their opposite poles creating electrical discharges, creating sounds, vibrations and life, our bodies are receivers and transmitters of energy, like NEURONS interacting and exchanging data, This energy makes the vital essence flow with our hearts tuned to a certain frequency (432 Hz) and connecting with all the kinetic energy outside our bodies; that energy that moves and transforms and never disappears, like electrical storms colliding, like stars emerging, like magnetic fields of planets that generate dances of rotation and translation. Everything is an energetic exchange between creation, we are a closed circuit of millions of vibratory expressions exchanging data and generating experiences to evolve together, we are geometries connected to the center, we are fractals with the same characteristics of the millions of existing expressions, we are chakras generating energy and expanding the radius of experience and knowledge through direct connection with our multidimensional self and at the same time with the center of creation. ROOT CHACRA, Oil on canvas.
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The spiral portal
🌀🧬The door between spaces and times, where the great spiral connects us with other frequencies, there is Orion, always appearing with the star Mintaka that reminds us of what we are, that reminds us of the multidimensionality of being!