The essential

The pressure

Painting: Connecting the tetrahedra / Vibration, Energy & Matter. – Oil on canvas.

Living through a year of many internal changes, pressured by the reality that I myself have created, experiencing daily “problems” that are nothing more than learning that I integrate through my personality to polish my understanding of what surrounds me, I am aware of the pressure. Pressure as a state where opposing forces are found, each with its own energy that generates changes and transformations. Perhaps having to pay rent, feeling uncomfortable at a job, wanting to have more free time for ourselves, not being in good health or having misaligned emotions, are circumstances that make us uncomfortable, that do not allow us to be in that illusory state of stability that we always want to achieve. They are constant pressures in our lives, but it is precisely thanks to the pressure that we manage to expand and transform our reality, it’s thanks to this that we leave our comfort zone and are encouraged to take that dreaded step into the unknown, directing our path to the insecure and generating new ways of understanding reality, pressure invites us to experience other perspectives and makes us integrate new concepts through experimenting with other realities. And of course, if we analyze the case a little more, we find the pressure in the whole, we are material projections of light, and that same light is formed and experiences itself through the constant pressure of reality.

The pressure to be the best, the pressure to be “someone in life.”
The pressure to socialize, the pressure of loneliness.
The pressure of expectations, the pressure of beliefs.
The pressure of the system, the pressure of society.
The emotional pressure, the physical pressure.
The pressure of death, the pressure of life.

As will be customary, we will start again with the “weird things”: the first pressure that manifests is when the universe is reflected itself, when it expands. This expansion seeks to express itself and go outwards, and what was generated outside seeks to express itself and return inwards. It means that the opposite forces, positive and negative, try to unite by seeking their opposite force, from the internal to the external and from the external to the internal.

Opposites attract each other, generating
constant pressure to manifest
something different, ying yang.

When this happens there is a friction of each energy trying to express itself creating a third force which is creation. This creation is given by pressure in order for each force to manifest something different and allow its expansion.

Thus we can see how the positive and negative frequency waves generate so much pressure that they create a particle, a third expression that in turn attracts each other in a positive and negative relationship (electrons and protons), in this way the particles are grouped depending on their positive or negative charge sharing different weights among themselves and manifesting the molecules, that is, the set of different atoms. These molecules create chemical elements (carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen, the 4 basis for creating life). These elements are in all things that exist, from the first moment of creation. The great pressure of all these different types of atomic elements generate a great collapse of energy that results in what we call the big bang.

All existence is produced by pressure,
understand the usefulness of pressure in the universe
helps us understand the reason for the pressure
in our lives.

The bing bang is one of the greatest energetic pressures that has arisen to be able to manifest the physical world, to be able to expand and express itself. Thanks to the pressure of the mental world, the energy world arises, and thanks to the pressure of the energy world, the physical world arises. (by the way, it was quite difficult for me to understand this and relate it to our life and our pressures). For this reason, if the dimensions expand, we also expand, since we share exactly the same characteristics of creation. All the atoms that make up us expand, collide and we integrate with the dimensions. This perspective makes us think that we are compressed light, where the dimensions pressure us to be what we are, but when these dimensions expand, our particles do too, this is when the human being experiences what they call Enlightenment, and from This point of view, this enlightenment has nothing to do with religion or spirituality, but rather corresponds to chemical and physical reactions.

So the universe begins to put pressure on itself in order to experience, in order to feel and live, this is why it compresses itself in pressure, because only through this pressure it can manipulate and discover what was previously dissolved. Then the universe, through the force of pressure, expands and creates black holes that create galaxies, galaxies create stars, stars create planets, planets create more forms of life and this life through compression returns to the planet, the planet returns to life. the stars, the stars return to the galaxies and the galaxies return to the black hole. Fractal from its root to its highest point of expression and vice versa.

By pressure we exist and expand
and by compression we return
again to the center.

Everything that exists is thanks to pressure, when we reproduce, when we are born, when we educate, when we breathe, when the heart pumps the blood of our body, the earth itself generates a constant pressure through gravity, its volcanoes explode as a result of pressure, waterfalls, seas, and countless things act thanks to this effect. absolutely everything is pressure.

Now, every time we feel pressured by life, we can think that this constant force that destabilizes us emotionally, we can perceive it as a means of expansion that makes us grow, we can analyze this as a means of learning to create, to understand and open our perception of reality, we can feel part of the universe like material fractals transformed by this pressure. This perspective can be useful to us to receive the events that happen to us from another perspective that contributes to our internal and external growth. When you feel pressured to the point that you don’t know what to do, close your eyes, breathe, feel your body and feel the universe itself expressing itself through you, the universe is feeling that emotion that you are experiencing, it’s precisely the idea of creation, experimenting, and the pressure you are experiencing is what will lead you to transform and generate the new energy for your next step in life.

Paint, sing, dance, write... create!

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